Dienstag, 16. April 2019

Do Bearded Dragons Have Ears? They Do!

Do Bearded Dragon Have Ears?The lack of an obvious external ear structure in bearded dragons often makes their owners – especially newbies not very familiar with these fascinating pets, to really wonder whether bearded dragons have any ears at all.

After all, seeing is believing, isn’t it? Well, that is not quite the case at all times, as you will discover in this post. Herein, we will closely look at the overall ear structure of bearded dragons and gauge how they manage to ensure excellent hearing in spite of not having noticeable external ears the way mammals do.

Do bearded dragons have ears? Bearded dragons do have ears; just not in the form of external, visible ones. Instead, they have holes on their head for capturing sound. The inner ear structure of bearded dragons is similar to that of other species. As a result, their overall hearing ability is definitively robust.

In this post, we will look at how the absence of an external ear structure does not make a difference to the hearing prowess of bearded dragons. This is because the internal ear structure and design is similar to most other species.

Moreover, the holes (in place of external ears) in bearded dragons do an excellent job in capturing ambient sounds. So the absence of visible ears does not make a difference to the hearing ability of bearded dragons.

Location and External Appearance

The holes which are actually the ears of bearded dragons are located on their heads, going back further from their eyes.

A good rule of thumb to spot these holes is to trace the path midway between beardie’s eyes and the end corner of their mouths – as you look closely, you will clearly see the holes we are referring to here. Yes, those are your beardie’s ears.

Externally, they look like nothing more than gaping holes. If you weren’t aware of these holes being ears, you could quite possibly misidentify them as “injuries” sustained by your poor beardy!

It is only when you look a little more closely that you notice what comes across as a sheer membrane appending over these holes. This is actually nothing but the tympanic membrane; an ear component which many of us are familiar with – and all of us duly possess!Can Bearded Dragons Hear?

Internal Structure

Internally, the ear structure of bearded dragons is pretty much the same as what you would see in just about any other species, mammals included.

For instance, the tympanic membrane that we referred to above essentially corresponds to the middle ear structure. As and when sound waves are perceived by the tympanic membrane, it vibrates, thus sending out a message to subsequent components of the inner ear.

The primary component in the question above would be the stirrup, a tiny bone which is also referred to as the stapes. Like the tympanic membrane, the stirrup is also a part of the middle ear structure. It is to this stirrup that sound waves as picked up by the tympanic membrane are transmitted to.

From the stirrup, sound waves are in turn transmitted to the fluid-filled cochlear duct. This is especially known to have minute hair-like objects called cilia that are excellent in picking up any kind of vibrations.

Past the cilia, you have sound waves being relayed straight to the brain via the auditory nerve.

So, in essence, as you can easily note, beyond the absentia of external ears, the inner ear structure of bearded dragons is pretty much the same as what we see in mammals (like us!) and most other species in general.

Ensuring Balance

Your biology lessons might remind you of the fact that ears have functions beyond hearing alone. In particular, our ability to ensure balance comes from our ears.

This is true about bearded dragons as well. Like us, beardies have semicircular canals in their ears that do a brilliant job in ensuring that balance is maintained at all times.

This fact further strengthens our assertion about the presence of ears in bearded dragons. At the risk of repeating ad nauseam, all that is different is the absence of a visible external ear structure.

Otherwise, from the inside, the form, as well as the functionality, is just the same as ears in just about all other species.

Ear Cleaning

With the presence (and appearance!) of ears in bearded dragons firmly established, the next obvious question that many pet owners have is about cleaning beardie’s ears.

Our experience in this matter tells us that any human interference/activity on this front should be minimal. Yes, you are quite likely to see foreign objects get into the ears of bearded dragons, especially given their design as holes without any external coverage.

Yet, even in their natural habitat, bearded dragons are actually quite used to items unwittingly getting into their ears. After all, beardies are native to the Australian woodlands where sand and dirt, in particular, does tend to get into their ears.

Somehow, the natural defense mechanism in bearded dragons ensures that the entry of such foreign objects does not do any damage; their potential harm is thwarted well in time.

Therefore, it is especially advised that you avoid making attempts at cleaning your beardie’s ears, especially with items such as earbuds that are particularly forbidden since they can actually end up causing damage to your beardie’s ears.

Instead, anytime you feel significantly concerned about items that may have got into your beardie’s ears, you can take it to the vet who can then proceed with the right remedial course of action.Bearded Dragon Ear Holes

Cuteness Quotient

Well, believe it or not, the absence of an external ear structure in bearded dragons has added significantly to what many pet owners refer to as the “cuteness quotient” of their pets.

As a matter of fact, among the many aspects cited by them for choosing bearded dragons in particular as their choice of pets, which included:

  • Ease of maintenance
  • Wide availability
  • Friendly disposition
  • Bearded presence

was the cuteness quotient, accentuated by the absence of external ears. These same owners especially emphasized on the fact that if beardies had ears the way we humans and many other species do, the overall appeal would just not be the same.


Bearded dragons certainly DO have ears. It is merely their appearance which is different, marked by the absence of an external ear structure.

Otherwise, from the inside, the ears of bearded dragons are really no different to what we see and know about in practically all other species, mammals like us included.

Related Questions

Now that you have a good knowhow on the ears of bearded dragons, you might also want to know:

Do bearded dragons have good eyesight? Bearded dragons have excellent eyesight, with clear ability to discern the entire spectrum of colors. Moreover, the location of their eyes – more to the sides of their heads, gives them a significantly wider field of vision as compared to a lot of other animal species.

Can bearded dragons hurt you? Bearded dragons are among the most docile creatures around and can rarely. if ever, cause any harm. However, there are situations where irresponsible handling can lead to agitation and possible biting behavior in beardies. Even then, this is non-toxic so simply washing away would do.

Sonntag, 14. April 2019

5 Signs That Show That Your Bearded Dragon Is Stressed

How To Tell If My Bearded Dragon Is StressedIf you have noticed that your bearded dragon has been acting strangely lately, you might be wondering if your bearded dragon is stressed. While it is always best for you to take your bearded dragon to the vet at the first sign of something not being quite right, there are some signs to look for to see if it’s stressed.

Bearded dragons might try to communicate the fact that they’re stressed in different ways. Some of these different ways include: it is not eating, it is not as active, the bearded dragon has grown darker in color, it is not basking in the light often, or it is acting frantically.

If you see that there has been a great change in your bearded dragon’s behavior, your first instinct may be to panic. While all of the signs we listed might not necessarily indicate stress, it is important to examine what could be wrong.

So now, we will get into more detail about those signs that might signify if your bearded dragon is stressed, what might have caused that stress, and what you as its owner can do.

Signs of Stress

As we mentioned, there are several ways that bearded dragons commonly show that they are stressed. Let’s find out what they are and what you need to keep an eye out for.

Change in appetite

One of the biggest ways that you can tell if your bearded dragon might be stressed is if there is a change in its appetite- particularly, if it rejects the food you give to it and if you find that it has not eaten at all lately.

One of the things that you can do for this is to see how your bearded dragon will respond to a food that you give it as a treat– for example, if you give your bearded dragon fruits for a treat, try cutting up some papayas or mangoes to see how your bearded dragon will respond.

Sometimes, not wanting to eat regular food could mean that your pet has simply grown bored of their daily diet and wants something new. This is why it can be important to introduce some variety into your bearded dragon’s diet.

In the instance that your bearded dragon won’t accept treats, it is then important that you check the temperature of its terrarium. You need to have different temperatures for the areas your bearded dragon will bask and cool off in.

You really want to make sure that you are using high-quality materials for this since this is vital for your pet’s health.

And if none of these solutions help, give the vet a call.Bearded Dragon Frantic Behavior

Decrease in activity

Bearded dragons do like to soak, lay around, and bask, but if you notice that your bearded dragon is not as active as it once was and that it avoids even moving at all, this could be a sign that it is feeling stressed.

The first thing you can do is make sure that the terrarium is heated enough and that you are giving your bearded dragon as much lighting as possible.

Another reason why your bearded dragon might be feeling down is that you are not providing it with the right foods or proper nutrition.

Calcium and vitamin D3 are some of the most important nutrients for a bearded dragon to get, and make sure that you offer your bearded dragon some variety in vegetables, and gut-loaded feeder insects.

Change in color

Changes in color could mean a variety of things. For one, it could be mating season, and your male bearded dragon might be trying to attract the female beardie. This is not something to worry about at all.

Another reason could be that your bearded dragon wants to shed. Keep an eye on it for a little while to see if it will start shedding.

Otherwise, if a bearded dragon feels particularly stressed, the coloring on its chin and belly will start to darken. This could also be the case if you have recently purchased the bearded dragon, causing a change in its environment.

If this is the case, wait a few days to see how the bearded dragon adjusts to its new habitat. If nothing changes, then contact your vet to see what could be happened.

Not basking in the light

Bearded dragons love to bask in the light, so if you see that yours isn’t, this could be a major sign of stress. Make sure that you check the temperature of its terrarium, because if it isn’t receiving the right temperature, then your bearded dragon might not be so keen to bask.

Make sure that you are using a good-quality thermometer when doing this.

Another thing that you could do is switch the cool side to the basking side and vice versa. Since your bearded dragon is already likely lounging around in the cool side, the change in temperature might cause your bearded dragon to go back to its regular self.

Make sure that you always stay on top of the temperature of your bearded dragon’s terrarium, because this could affect your beardie’s health.

And, if you don’t know what temperature the terrarium should be, or if you need help with setting up the lighting in general, read this article.

Stressed Bearded DragonFrantic behavior

And finally, another sign that your bearded dragon is stressed out is that it could be clawing at the glass on its terrarium rather frantically. There are several reasons for this.

One reason your bearded dragon might be doing so is that there is a reflection, so it could think that there is another bearded dragon with it. Ideally, bearded dragons should not be kept together, especially if they are two males.

Seeing another bearded dragon can cause yours to become stressed.

Another reason why your bearded dragon might be clawing at its cage is that the temperature of the terrarium is too high.

Having too high temperatures can cause such behavior and you will also notice that your bearded dragon will be way more often in the cooler zone of the tank.

Again, it is of utmost importance that you keep an eye on the temperature of the terrarium frequently.

Or, your bearded dragon might want to get out of its cage from time to time. Make sure that your bearded dragon is getting enough exercise and doesn’t get too bored.

There are several ways for you to determine whether or not your bearded dragon is stressed, and you should treat any changes in behavior seriously.

Now, let’s look at some of the reasons why your bearded dragon might be stressed out.

Causes for Stress in Bearded Dragons

If you are suspicious that your bearded dragon is stressed, you might be wondering what could have been the causes for this stress. Let’s look at possible things that might be causing your bearded dragon to not feel its best.

Recent purchase

As with any pet, you need to give your bearded dragon a few days to settle into its new environment. Having to get used to a completely new habitat could cause some stress for your bearded dragon, no matter its age.

Seeing, hearing, and smelling new things, as well as having tons of people crowding around its terrarium all the time could cause some problems. Give your bearded dragon a few days to get used to its new environment, and try not to overwhelm it too much.

Not having its terrarium set up correctly

If the bearded dragon’s terrarium is not set correctly- meaning the temperature might not be correct, the terrarium might not have the right lighting, and you might not have enough accessories in the terrarium for your bearded dragon to have something to do.

You have to make sure that you only use high-quality products when it comes to your bearded dragon’s terrarium, and also make sure that you have enough accessories inside for your bearded dragon to run around, hide, and having something to do.Stress In Bearded Dragons

Improper diet

You need to make sure that the diet you provide for your bearded dragon is adequate, and that it gets all the nutrients it needs. Depending on its age, your bearded dragon might need protein, but it needs calcium and vitamin D3 at all ages.

You need to gut load the feeder insects and make sure that you get your feeder insects from a reputable breeder; you don’t want them to have parasites or diseases that could have a negative impact on your bearded dragon’s health.

And make sure to introduce some variety, providing it with plenty of vegetables as well.

Dirty environment

Part of keeping your bearded dragon healthy means cleaning out its terrarium frequently. For example, you might put a bowl full of water in the terrarium, which your bearded dragon will then soak in.

This feeling of calm will cause your bearded dragon to defecate, most likely. Make sure to change the water as often as possible so that your bearded dragon isn’t forced to sit in its own waste. And overall, make sure to clean any waste or food scattered throughout the terrarium.

Also, clean the terrarium, its accessories, and the glass every so often to make sure that your bearded dragon remains in a clean environment free of any possibility for infection or other problems.


Especially if your bearded dragon is new, make sure that you don’t make too much loud noise in its presence. Any animal is bound to feel stressed due to lots of noise.

If you see that your bearded dragon is afraid of you, or it feels apprehensive around you, try to not approach it too much for a few days until it grows used to you.

And make sure that you don’t speak loudly or listen to loud music or audio in the same room that the terrarium is in. Remind anyone else you might live with or who may visit your home about this, too.

Small terrarium

Having a terrarium that is too small is bound to stress your bearded dragon out because it will not have enough room to roam around. This will cause a buildup of energy.

Make sure that you get a terrarium large enough to accommodate your bearded dragon because this will help it to feel as comfortable as possible.


Another reason for stress could simply be boredom. Are you introducing some variety in its life? Try to give your bearded dragon new foods, or give it new toys from time to time. Pay attention to your bearded dragon a lot. If you need some great beardie toys, read this article.

Once it has stopped feeling stressed due to its environment, taking it out of its terrarium and hand feeding or playing with it for a short period of time could help to not only decrease boredom but also to create a bond between you two.

And try to take your bearded dragon outside sometimes, while keeping a close eye on it so it doesn’t run away. This will not only help to decrease boredom but it will help it get all the vitamins it needs.

Other bearded dragons in its terrarium

If you have bearded dragons of different sexes, make sure that they are kept in separate enclosures to prevent stress. The process of mating is very stressful for bearded dragons.

Also, bearded dragons are very territorial animals, so having another bearded dragon in the enclosure could cause it to feel like it has to defend its territory and fight, therefore causing stress. The best way to solve this is, of course, to keep your bearded dragons in different terrariums.


Overall, if you notice any changes in your bearded dragon’s behavior, you need to contact your vet to see the best course of action. Take a few days to see what could be the problem. Remember, bearded dragons are animals too, and they need your love, attention, and care just like any other animal would.

How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Water?

How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go WIthout Water?You have probably noticed that bearded dragons can go quite some time without touching their food and water. But you might wonder how long bearded dragons can go without water.

Since Bearded Dragons are used to the very dry and hot environment in Australia, they are used to be dehydrated quite often. They can probably go for a few days to a week or two without water, but you should avoid this as much as possible.

However, there are many ways for you to be able to keep your bearded dragon happy and hydrated. If you notice that your bearded dragon looks dehydrated, you should definitely give it some water and, if it is really bad, take it to the vet.

Now, let’s get into different ways to give your bearded dragon water.

How Long Bearded Dragons Can Go Without Water

As we mentioned, bearded dragons are naturally adapted to withstand dry desertish conditions, but the rules are a little bit different for them if you’re going to keep one as a pet.

All animals can live longer without food than they can without water. You should ideally give your bearded dragon fresh water every day, but there might be circumstances prohibiting this, such as your bearded dragon got lost, the power went out, or it simply won’t take any water.

Many people have differing opinions on how long a bearded dragon can live without water. Some have claimed that their bearded dragons went missing for two weeks and were only dehydrated when they found their pet.

However, it isn’t recommended that a bearded dragon goes for longer than a few days or a week without getting some sort of hydration.

Ways to Give Your Bearded Dragon Water

One of the most interesting things about bearded dragons is that they won’t necessarily take water in the same way that your other pets would- by lapping water from a bowl. While some will, your bearded dragon might not realize that the water bowl you have provided for it is for drinking.

You might see that your bearded dragon is “soaking” in the water bowl you provided for it. This is another great way for it to get water.

However, you will want to keep a close eye on this water bowl, because your bearded dragon will often defecate in it, and you don’t want to keep the dirty water in its cage. You should change out the water bowl every day.

Another way that bearded dragons will get hydration is through the vegetables you provide it since most of the content in those is made up of water. If you take your bearded dragon outside, you might notice it licking dew drops off of plants, too.

One way that many bearded dragon owners find their beardies enjoy getting water is through misting them. This involves spraying water onto your bearded dragon and allowing it to lap up the water that way. Be careful not to spray so much that their tank gets too wet.

Some other people purchase water drippers, which will, essentially, drip water into your bearded dragon’s bowl or onto a plant. Then, the beardie will drink the water as it needs.

You need to be careful about providing your bearded dragon with too much water, however, whether that be from actual water or from vegetables because bearded dragons can get diarrhea, which will cause them to get dehydrated.

As you see, the way to give water to bearded dragons is a lot different than for other animals.Bearded Dragon Taking A Bath To Hydrate Or For Easier Shedding


If you suspect that your bearded dragon is dehydrated, the best thing to do is to take it to the vet. While it may be possible that your bearded dragon simply needs water, what may seem like dehydration could be an underlying symptom of something else.

You will want to get that checked out and clarified before attempting to self-diagnose.

With that being said, here are the most common signs to look for in your bearded dragon if you suspect dehydration.

Skin becomes wrinkled

The first way you can notice if your bearded dragon is dehydrated is if its skin is wrinkly. While a younger bearded dragon typically does have wrinkly skin, it’s also a sign of dehydration. If you’re not sure, you can (very lightly) pinch the bearded dragon’s skin and release.

If you notice that the skin hasn’t returned to its original position almost immediately, it means that your bearded dragon is likely dehydrated.

Eyes are sunken in

Another common way that bearded dragons display dehydration is with sunken eyes. However, it is not always dehydration that this indicates, which is why it is important that you go to the vet.

Darkness in urates

Urates are the white things that come out with your bearded dragon’s defecation. If you notice that the urates are an orangey or yellow color instead of white, this could also indicate dehydration.

Again, you should take your bearded dragon to the vet if you notice these symptoms. And, don’t try to force feed your bearded dragon all at once; simply give it some water very slowly. Otherwise, your bearded dragon could face some serious problems.

Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon Isn’t Eating/Drinking

Before taking your bearded dragon to the vet, there are some things you might want to check out yourself to see if you’ve done anything wrong.

For one, your bearded dragon might not be eating due to the fact that you’ve changed its environment. Whether this is because you changed its cage, you moved its cage, or you just purchased your bearded dragon, it could simply be getting used to a new environment and is scared.

Wait a few days to see if there are any changes.

The temperature of the tank might also be off. It is important for you to keep this in check as often as possible.

There could also be a number of other reasons why your bearded dragon might not be eating or drinking, such as stress, brumation, or they simply don’t like their food.

Related Questions

Why isn’t my bearded dragon drinking water? Bearded dragons won’t always notice that the water bowl in their tank is meant for drinking. This is because water in the wild is not unmoving; it usually is in the form of rain or running water. There may also be underlying issues, which you should check with the vet.

Do bearded dragons absorb water through their skin? No. Bearded dragons will absorb water through their vent (where they defecate from) or through their mouth. When you spray the bearded dragon with water or when it soaks in water, it absorbs the water through one of these means.

How long can bearded dragons go without food? A healthy and strong bearded dragon can potentially go for up to two months without eating food. However, you should absolutely avoid this. They can go for a few days without eating, and you might notice this depending on their behavior.

Mittwoch, 10. April 2019

When Do Bearded Dragons Hit Puberty?

When Do Bearded Dragons Hit Puberty?Bearded dragons are perfect if you are looking for a reptile that’s small enough to be easily cared for yet big enough to be handled and bonded with. But is your pet a girl or a boy? That’s easier to find out once it reaches puberty.

When do bearded dragons hit puberty? Bearded Dragons hit puberty between 8 to 18 months. Going by the size, a bearded dragon could be between 18 to 22 inches when it reaches puberty. Bearded Dragons can show (pre)puberty signs at about 5 to 9 months of age.

If you know the age of your bearded dragon, you can tell when it approaches puberty. Other signs include its length, changes in physical appearance, changes in behavior, etc. Knowing that the changes are related to puberty can help answer a lot of questions you might have. In this article, we will walk you through everything there is to know about beardie puberty.

What happens when a bearded dragon reaches puberty?

The changes in beardies when they reach sexual maturity can be classified as physical change and behavioral changes.

Physical Changes

Reproductive organs: Before a bearded dragon reaches puberty, it is almost impossible to tell whether it is a male or a female. Gender detection merely by looking at the beardie is difficult. But as it reaches puberty, the differences between a male and a female are apparent.

If you hold the beardie flat against its belly and gently lift the tail so that it is perpendicular to the body, you can see the tell-tale signs of puberty. Male beardies will have two vertical bulges on either side on the underside of the tail, just above the vent.

Female beardies will have a single bulge above the vent. These bulges are the reproductive organs of the beardies taking form and their presence indicates sexual maturity.

Femoral pores: Femoral pores look like dots that run across one hind leg to the other, all over the underside of the dragon. These pores are only found in males. At the onset of puberty, these pores would be fewer in number and less prominent.

As the male beardie grows, the pores become more visible. Bearded dragons are territorial creatures and they use the femoral pores to secret their scent and mark their territories.

Size: A bearded dragon is between 18 to 22 inches when it reaches puberty. Usually, male beardies of the same age are slightly bigger than their female counterparts at puberty. However, this might not always be true.

Healthy males also appear stocky (not fat) when they reach sexual maturity. Also, males can have bigger heads than females.

Behavioral Changes

Aggression: Bearded dragons might show classic adolescent behavior when they hit puberty. They might suddenly try to charge and bite anything and everything in sight. This includes their caretakers when they try to get near them or pick them up. They also hiss at things or at nothing in particular.

Even the tamed beardies can show some aggression when they are going through this phase. It can be a difficult time for the owners to deal with this sudden change in their pets.

A heightened sense of smell: Some bearded dragon owners claim that their beardies get more aggressive during puberty when they smell something different. Hence, it is best to wash your hands well with a non-scented soap before you handle your pet.

Black-bearding: Another form of aggression at puberty is the beardie’s sudden discovery of their beards. They might puff up their beards at the drop of a hat. Also, the beards appear dark in color, almost black.

Head bobbing: Some beardies might resort to head-bobbing to demonstrate their first steps towards adulthood. They can also be seen moving around restlessly around their tank and stopping to bob their heads or wave by lifting one of their forelegs.Is my bearded dragon in puberty?

Taking care of bearded dragons during puberty

The best way to take care of a beardie during puberty is to give the beardie as much space as you can. Beardies in the wild go through this phase and come out of it without any help from humans. And beardies in captivity need not have it much different either.

So, if you see that your pet beardie is in one of those ‘moods’, just give it some time to calm down.

If the beardie has taken to attacking you every time you come near, it might get difficult to do routine tasks such as cleaning its terrarium. In such cases, approach the beardie with some food such as fresh greens.

When you put your hands inside the tank and it opens the mouth to hiss or bite, just put some greens in its mouth. (Only for the brave ones)

If the beardie does not let you hold it, things might get difficult. To avoid getting bitten, wear protective gloves before you pick it up. Also, make sure you let it know that biting and squirming is not okay by talking to it in a firm voice.

Don’t keep a squirming beardie down. Instead, let it calm down before you set it back in its tank. This teaches it that squirming does not mean that you will do as it wants.

Bearded dragons and company

Bearded dragons are solitary creatures. It is best to keep them alone in their terrarium. This holds true even more when beardies hit puberty. The sight of another beardie of the same or different gender can aggravate them.

Hence, one beardie per tank only, and the tanks should also be placed in such a way that beardies cannot see each other when they are in puberty.

Bearded dragons can get all worked up at the sight of anything moving, even their own reflections. You can minimize their stress by partially covering their tank or keeping it in a place where they don’t come across many distractions.

Spaying or neutering bearded dragons

Spaying or neutering bearded dragons is similar to neutering any other pets, in principle. It involves the surgical removal of reproductive organs. However, unlike other pets, this surgery can be comparatively riskier in beardies.

Also, most experts believe that neutering is not at all required in beardies. Even if the aggression is hormone related, beardies should be allowed to live off this phase. Once the initial months pass, most beardies return to their normal selves.

However, if you feel your beardie is showing severe signs of aggression that are related to puberty, take it to an experienced vet who can advise you on the best course of action.

In conclusion

Puberty is a natural phase through which bearded dragons go, just like any other animal. While some beardies might show drastic behavioral changes, some might go through puberty without a hitch.

This phase could be over in a few weeks or can last for up to 6 months depending on the individual beardie. As owners of these adorable pets, you need lots of patience during this time. And your pet needs just a little love and caring.

Related Questions

How long do bearded dragons live? Bearded dragons in captivity have a lifespan of about 8-10years. When properly cared for, they can live up to 10-12 years easily. In rare cases, when owners take very good care of them, they are known to live up to 15 years, too. Bearded dragons have relatively shorter lifespans in the wild.

Do bearded dragons have teeth? Yes. Bearded dragons have front teeth that fall and grow out. They have permanent side teeth that are fixed to their jaws and are used for chewing food.

What age do bearded dragons start brumation? It is believed that bearded dragons less than a year old do not bromate. However, this is not true. Beardies can start brumating at any age. It is a natural instinct triggered by seasonal changes.

Montag, 8. April 2019

Should Bearded Dragons Drink Tap Water?

Can Bearded Dragons Drink Tap Water?Just like other animals, bearded dragons need access to fresh water. But a natural question to ask is; can bearded dragons drink the water from the tap as we do? Well, let’s answer this question and find out.

Can Bearded dragons drink tap water? The answer is yes, bearded dragons can drink tap water. But filtered bottled water may be better for them since some chemicals will be removed. It’s always better to use a water conditioner for reptiles to protect your bearded dragon for getting sick.

Let’s have a look at this topic in more detail so that you can understand the best way to look after your bearded dragon.

Bearded Dragons and Tap Water

The problem with tap water is that so many chemicals are added to it without us knowing what exactly they are. It’s these chemicals that could be dangerous for your bearded dragon. This includes fluoride and chlorine, as well as metals. But who knows what else could be in there that is harmful to reptiles.

We just don’t know how much is available in the water from the tap and a lot of people don’t realize these chemicals could be harmful. While it may be safe for humans to drink tap water, it can’t be guaranteed that it’s fine for reptiles to drink.

So, what’s the best thing you can do to be on the safe side? We’d recommend using a water conditioner in your tap water. This can help to make the water safe for your bearded dragon by detoxifying the water from any harmful chemicals.

This can easily be purchased online, as well as be available in your local pet store. For example, you can use Reptisafe.

You may also like to use filtered bottle water and offer this to your bearded dragon to drink. This is probably going to be better than tap water, depending on where you live, as the filter removes some of the harmful chemicals so they don’t drink them.

But again, we’d recommend using a water conditioner and not take any risks. They’re designed especially for reptiles like the bearded dragon. It’s always better to be on the safe side and know you’ve done everything you can to help your reptile.

Do Bearded Dragons Need Fresh Water in Their Tank?

You may be wondering whether bearded dragons really need access to fresh water all the time. After all, they live in the scorching hot and dry desert in the Australian outback. There’s not exactly a lot of what available!

Well, the answer is yes, they do need a water source and this is particularly important when they’re being kept as pets.

Bearded dragons mostly get their water from insects and plants in the wild. But when they’re a pet, they do need a source of water in their environment to help them stay hydrated and healthy.

Of course, this water should be kept fresh and clean and made available to them all throughout the day, every day. The best time to change the water is in the morning. But since bearded dragons are referred to as free-roaming reptiles, you may have to change the water several times a day as it can get dirty.

They are known to defecate and drag in food if their water bowl is the right size for them. In addition, if the bowl is big enough, they often like to bathe in water. So, keeping it clean is essential for their health.Is Tap Water Okay For Bearded Dragons?

Bearded Dragons and Water Bowls

Most bearded dragon owners give their reptile a water bowl. There are a lot of designs available but the most important thing is that it is shallow enough for them to reach it but without becoming dangerous.

It’s important to remember that your bearded dragon will not naturally know how to drink out of a water bowl. In the wild, they often drink from water that is moving and so they don’t recognize water that stays still. This means that you will have to train them to understand that this is a water source that they can take advantage of.

Most likely, your bearded dragon will need some encouragement because they don’t understand what the water is for. You can easily use a tiny bit of fruit juice to make the water smell sweet and attract them to the spot to drink.

Just make sure that it is only a little fruit juice and that it is mostly diluted with water. For example, you can use a drop of strawberry, apple or papaya juice. Once your bearded dragon learns it can drink this water, you can eventually stop diluting it with something sweet. Once they understand, they will know that this can help them stay hydrated.

Clean Out the Bowl

You want to make sure that your bearded dragon is drinking out of a clean water bowl every day. This can reduce the risk of harmful bacteria growing on it and making your bearded dragon it. The best way to do this is with a mild detergent or reptile cleaner.

This will make sure it is safe to use for your pet. Just be sure that it is fully rinsed out before serving more water to your bearded dragon.

Signs of Dehydration in Bearded Dragons

The last thing you want is for your bearded dragon to become dehydrated. This can make them feel sick and it can even be fatal in some cases. It’s essential that you watch out for signs of dehydration so that you can do something about it.

If you do think your bearded dragon is badly dehydrated, it’s best to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible for help.

So, what are some of the signs your bearded dragon may be dehydrated? Well, some common signals to watch out for are a lack of appetite, lethargy and sunken eyes. But a good test that you can do to see if your bearded dragon is dehydrated is the skin pinch test.

This is when you use your fingers to pinch their skin. If the skin rolls back quickly, they are healthy. But if the sign doesn’t do this, this may indicate they haven’t been getting enough water. This means that a trip to the veterinarian is necessary straight away.

Related Questions

What other things can I do to hydrate my bearded dragon? Feeding some insects, vegetables, and fruits can be good for your bearded dragon. They contain some moisture. You can also mist them with water for a little more hydration. Every little helps your bearded dragon stay happy and healthy!

Are there certain foods I shouldn’t feed my bearded dragon? Some of the foods that can make your reptile very ill or even have fatal consequences including avocados, rhubarb, and fireflies. They are toxic and poisonous to your bearded dragon. Avoid them at all costs.

Are wild insects safe to feed my bearded dragons? We don´t recommend feeding your reptile wild insects as they can be harmful for your pet. It’s always best to head to your local pet store and pick up some insects that you know are safe for your bearded dragon. They can be dead or alive.

How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Food?

How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Food?A bearded dragon is a friendly pet but its nutritional needs can seem a little complex if you are a beginner. If your new pet suddenly stops eating, you might worry that it’s going to die! But is your fear always justified? Read on to know more.

How long can bearded dragons live without food? It depends on its age, weight, general health, etc. But usually, a fully grown healthy dragon can live for anywhere from a few weeks to up to 3 months without eating food. Younger dragons, who need protein for their growth, are not able to survive without eating almost every day.

If your bearded dragon has stopped eating, there could be a variety of reasons for this behavior. They include stress due to change in environment, changes in diet, sickness, etc. One more common reason for staying away from food is that the dragon is going through a hibernation-like phase known was ‘brumation’.

In any case, do note that the dragon still needs to be provided water for drinking. This article will walk you through all that you need to know if your bearded dragon has not been eating food.

Why does a bearded dragon stop eating food?

The major reasons for this are discussed below.


This is by far the most common reason why bearded dragons stop eating. It is a hibernation-like phase where bearded dragons in the wild bury themselves under the soil. During this phase, they neither eat nor defecate and don’t move. All bearded dragons brumate during the winters in the wild.

Bearded dragons in captivity can brumate when the seasons change or they might not brumate at all. So, if you see your dragon has near-zero movement along with an aversion to food, it could be brumating. Remember that even if your pet is not eating food during brumation, it still needs water.

The brumation period can last for several months.

You shouldn’t really be worried except if you feel that your pet has lost considerable weight. In this case, taking the opinion of a vet is advisable.

Change in environment

If bearded dragons sense a change in their living environment, it could cause them stress. This, in turn, can result in loss of appetite. If you have changed the location of the terrarium or changed the terrarium entirely such as using a larger one, your pet might react to the change by withdrawing from food.

Give them some time to adjust to the new surroundings and monitor them closely to see if they start eating again. If you have added new accessories to their terrarium or removed certain familiar things, try to go back to how their tank was earlier and see if that makes them feel more comfortable.

Changes in the food

Bearded dragons can react with surprising willfulness when it comes to eating something they are not comfortable with. If you try to replace something they like with new food, they might stop eating.

Giving in to this behavior and going back to the food they like will teach your dragon to pull off the same trick every time you try to change their diet. It is better to stick to what you think is the best food for your pet. Ultimately, when it realizes that the food is not going to change, it will back down.

However, monitor the dragon carefully during this time. If you notice weakness and drastic weight loss, it’s time to give in to the pressure and give your pet its favorite food. However, that´s unlikely to happen unless your bearded dragon is sick.Another Bearded Dragon Can Cause Stress And Food Aversion

Low temperatures

A bearded dragon needs heat in its surroundings in order to maintain healthy digestion. If the temperature is too cold, it might not feel the urge to eat food. The terrarium should ideally have a hot area for basking at about 95-110 degrees and a colder area maintained at about 80-85 degrees.

The younger the dragon, the hotter basking area it needs. In the absence of a basking area, a bearded dragon might stop eating. So, if you have made changes to the terrarium recently, check if the temperature within the tank is off.

Stress due to other reasons

A bearded dragon can be stressed due to other reasons such as:

  • Sharing a tank with another bearded dragon,
  • Being able to see another bearded dragon from its tank,
  • The terrarium being too cramped for the dragon to roam freely,
  • Overstimulation due to a lot of people around the tank,
  • Continuous loud noises or vibrations in the house due to construction or maintenance work, etc.

One of the signs of a stressed bearded dragon is the darkening of its color. The stress also results in an aversion to food.


A sick bearded dragon giving up on food is quite rare. But, if you suspect this is the case, you should take it to a vet immediately to get the correct diagnosis and treatment.

What to do when a bearded dragon stops eating food?

In most cases, all you need to do is have patience and wait for your pet to start eating again. If the reason behind not eating food is stress, you can help your pet destress. A few tips are given below.

  • Don’t keep two bearded dragons in the same tank.
  • If the sight of another dragon in a different tank is bothering your pet, move the other tank to a different place in the house.
  • Make sure the terrarium is large enough for your bearded dragon.
  • If you have a lot of visitors in the house that is causing the stress, cover the terrarium with a towel when the house is crowded.
  • Try to keep the noise level in the house down.
  • Give your stressed dragon a warm bath.
  • If the pet is new, don’t handle it too much until it gets used to you.

If the dragon is young or if it is showing signs of extreme weakness, you can try force-feeding it.

How to force-feed a bearded dragon?

It is best to avoid force-feeding a bearded dragon that does not want to eat. This exotic animal knows when to eat and should be left alone in most cases. However, if it is growing very thin and a vet recommends it, you can follow the below process.

  • Hold the bearded dragon gently but securely
  • Pry open its mouth by tugging at its lower jaw
  • Quickly place some food inside the mouth
  • You can also use a syringe and feed the dragon some baby food

Related questions

How long can a bearded dragon go without heat? Heat is vital for a bearded dragon. If for some reason the dragon has been deprived of sufficient heat for more than 24 hours, you need to monitor it closely to look for any worrying symptoms.

How long can bearded dragons go without pooping? Bearded dragons will usually poop once every 1-2 days. If your pet has not been having a bowel movement for more than two days and is behaving in an unusual manner, it likely needs a visit to the vet. Of course, this does not hold true during brumation when it can go without pooping for weeks together.

How long can a bearded dragon live? A bearded dragon in the wild can live for 5-8 years. In captivity, the dragons can live for up to 10 years on an average. However, when properly cared for, they can even live up to 12-13 years.

Do Bearded Dragons Really Like To Be Held?

Do Bearded Dragons Like To Be Held?Bearded dragons are amazing pets if you want to have a reptile in your home. And it is natural for people who want to keep a beardie as a pet to want to shower it with some love. But what do the beardies think of the touchy-feely love from humans?

Do bearded dragons like to be held? Most bearded dragons quickly get used to being held by their owners. They also come to love, cherish, and recognize their owners’ touch. Usually, fully-grown beardies are more comfortable with human touch while the younger ones might be a little jittery.

Handling your beardie helps you bond with your pet. It also helps your pet to get used to the presence of humans around it. They no longer are stressed when you do any cleaning or maintenance in their terrariums. Also, trips to the vet are easier for beardies who are comfortable with the human touch. In this article, I will tell you all about holding your cute beardie.

Before You Handle a Bearded Dragon

Always wash your hands well before you hold your bearded dragon. This ensures that no germs are transferred to your pet from your hands. Also, if your pet is new and/or aggressive, it is better to wear protective gloves until it gets used to being held. This is to protect your hands from scratching against the beardie’s rough skin.

Avoid any sudden movements around a bearded dragon. It could get startled and stressed by it. Also, don’t try to pet or hold the beardie by bringing your hand down from above its head. Any movement above its head is a sign of threat to a bearded dragon.

If your pet isn’t yet used to being held, don’t immediately move in to hold it. Instead, just touch and pat it to let it become accustomed to your touch. The idea is to let the beardie know that you don’t mean to hurt it.

How to Hold a Bearded Dragon

The best way to hold a bearded dragon is by placing your hand under its body and lifting it. If you are not able to get your hand under the beardie, gently use your thumb and index finger to lift it just a little bit by its front shoulders. Now, slide your hand under the beardie and lift it.

Always support all of its four legs using your palm and fingers when you lift it. In case of dragons that are longer, use your other hand to support its tail. Remember that supporting the tail is very important. Otherwise, the beardie might wiggle around its tail or move it in circles and injure its back.

If a bearded dragon is long, sitting down while you handle it is most comfortable for both you and the dragon. If it wants to move around on your body, let it explore. Once the beardie looks comfortable sitting on your hand, you can gently pet it.

Be gentle when you hold a bearded dragon. Don’t squeeze or hold too tightly. Keep your hold loose enough so that it can move away from you whenever it wants to. Don’t tease it by wiggling your finger in front of it.

Holding a Bearded Dragon That Trusts You

Once the bearded dragon is comfortable and starts seeing you as someone trustworthy, you can move it from your palm to other parts of your body. For example, put it on your lap or on your shoulder. Some bearded dragons quickly learn to snuggle to their owners.

They love finding a comfortable place such as the nape of the neck or the crook of the elbow to rest. Some bearded dragons start liking it so much, they feel safe and relaxed with their owners. And some go to sleep when their owners hold them close. How cute is that!Bearded Dragon Sits Comfortably On Hand

How Long Should You Hold a Bearded Dragon?

Normally, you can hold the bearded dragon as long as it wants to be held. But as soon as it shows signs of being uncomfortable, return it back to its enclosure.

Some bearded dragons love the touch of their humans so much, they want to be held for several hours. You can indulge your pet if that’s what you both want. However, remember to check its body temperature, especially if the room temperature is cold.

Being cold-blooded, a dip in their body temperature can cause their digestion to halt. If you find that the beardie’s belly is cold to touch, it is best to part from your pet for some time. Return it to its enclosure and let it spend some time in its temperature-controlled terrarium.

Once you put the beardie back, make sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap.

Bearded dragons carry the salmonella bacteria which can be transferred to humans through saliva. Hence, it’s best to be safe by washing your hands and any other body part that might have come in contact with the beardie’s mouth.

When to Avoid Holding a Bearded Dragon?

In general, don’t try to take out your bearded dragon from its enclosure if it is in the middle of a meal. Apart from this, if the bearded dragon shows any of the below signs, avoid holding it.

  • Shows signs of being afraid, such as trying to move away from your hand when you reach inside its terrarium.
  • Shows signs of being stressed such as darkening of its skin color.
  • Shows signs of aggression such as making hissing sounds, puffing up its beard, or taking an attacking stance.
  • If the dragon is trying to bite your fingers as you move your hand towards it, it is best to back off.

Never force a bearded dragon to be held if it doesn’t want to. If the beardie is new, spend time talking to it while it’s in the terrarium. Let it get used to you before you attempt to touch it. If your pet usually lets you hold it and is suddenly resisting touch, it probably just needs some time alone.

Don’t worry and try again later.

If you are already holding a bearded dragon and it displays any of the above-mentioned signs, it’s time to return it back to its enclosure.

Also, note that some bearded dragons might simply not like being held even after you have made an effort to spend time with them. It could be because of a past unpleasant experience with people or simply because of the beardie’s individual temperament. Whatever the reason, don’t force it to be held.

Related Questions

Do bearded dragons bite? Yes, but rarely. While it is not common for bearded dragons to bite humans, it is not completely impossible. Bearded dragons are usually quite passive and won’t bite you. Also, their bite does not have any harmful side effects in most cases.

Do bearded dragons like to cuddle? It largely depends on the individual personality of the bearded dragon. While some cannot seem to get enough of cuddling with their owners, some might only let you hold but might never cuddle.

Do bearded dragons like being alone? Yes. Bearded dragons are solitary creatures in the wild. In captivity too, they are best kept alone in their enclosures. When more than one beardie shares a terrarium, there could be instances of bullying or fighting.